Stompers low vs. high

Anybody thinking about getting stomper boots… maybe this will help some of you. The low version with the zippers are about as tall as the bulldozers. The tall version is a little taller BUT it doesn’t have a zipper. Which I can’t explain for the life of me.

I’ve now bought both versions and I’m going for „the low“ they’re perfect for everyday use. Think of them as a pair of steroids that you can actually walk in.

Would anybody like some comparison pics?

I’ve got a couple of others… all are size 44

Anybody thinking about getting stomper boots… maybe this will help some of you. The low version with the zippers are about as tall as the bulldozers. The tall version is a little taller BUT it doesn’t have a zipper. Which I can’t explain for the life of me.

I’ve now bought both versions and I’m going for „the low“ they’re perfect for everyday use. Think of them as a pair of steroids that you can actually walk in.

Would anybody like some comparison pics?

I’ve got a couple of others… all are size 44